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G2 Profile + Storylane Integration


  • Increase awareness of your product with interactive product tours
  • Generate conversions with demos that deliver “aha” moments
  • Grow pipeline and capture qualified leads 

This integration is for customers with paid G2 Profiles who are also customers of Storylane.

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How it Works

Embed Storylane demos into your G2 Profile to connect with future customers and drive product led growth.

  1. Build your demo in Storylane and paste custom URL to Product Profile > Interactive Demo in my.G2. 
  2. You may also add this URL to your profile’s custom CTA in Buyer Activity > Leads > CTA Settings.
  3. Once uploaded the demo will appear under the media section of your G2 profile.
  4. View and track metrics in Storylane.

Explore the Integration Guide to learn more or get started with the integration in my.G2.


Business Impact

Stand out from competition

Educate customers and drive engagement by putting your product at the center of your prospects' buying cycle.

Grow pipeline

When G2 users fill out the lead form on your demo, it boosts your pipeline numbers and increases the number of leads for your sales team.

Launch successful campaigns

Run specialized ABM campaigns with the performance metrics gathered from the interactive demo on your listing.

Maximize your G2 investment

Use demo engagement and conversions as an important data metric to qualify and score your prospects.

Next Steps

Already a G2 customer?

Activate this integration: log in to my.G2  > Product Profile > Interactive Demo.

Not a G2 customer yet?

Talk to a rep today to get access to this integration.

Not a Storylane customer yet?

Get in touch with someone at Storylane to schedule a demo. 


About the Partner

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Year Founded: 2021
HQ Location: San Francisco, CA


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